About This Blog

This blog started out as a fun blog about different projects I did with my kids, then it turned into a homeschooling blog, now...it's kind of both. I love doing activities with my kids and making fun things for them to play with. I'm a huge fan of busy bag activities and I am a mild hoarder, as I feel the need to save EVERYTHING, just in case I find a fun activity that requires egg cartons or something. Also, I have a slight obsession with felt. I hope you enjoy this blog and maybe find some inspiration in the randomness of it all. :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Movin' On Up!

I will have a kindergartner starting this fall. I am going to continue to home school him, so this should be a fun challenge doing two different levels. I will still be posting mostly preschool activities with a few kindergarten activities thrown in here and there. I'm planning to purchase kindergarten curriculum, so it won't be as exciting as the stuff I put together for my 3 year old. I am planning lots of fun stuff for both kiddos though, so stay tuned.