Normally we do a letter a day, but letter C will take 3 days. This week we will cover, hard C, soft C and Ch. I'm hoping it won't be to confusing.
Tuesday we will learn the hard C.
Circle Time:
C is for Cow, Caterpillar, Cloud, and Clown (Clowns freak me out, so we won't be focusing on those a lot. haaha.)
Five Little Cookies
Five little cookies With frosting galore.
(Child's Name) ate the red one, then there were four.
Four little cookies, Two and two you see
(Child's Name) ate the green one, then there were three.
Three little cookies But before I knew,
(Child's Name) ate the white one, then there were two.
Two little cookies, Oh what fun,
(Child's Name) ate the brown one, then there was one
The Caterpillar
The fuzzy little caterpillar went up into a tree (act like your climbing)
spun his cocoon and then (spin hands) went to sleep (yawn)
While he was sleeping he dreamt that he could fly (making flying motion)
When he woke up (loud, excited) he was a butterfly.
Think and Do:
Letter C worksheet and mini book
Arts and Crafts:
I decided on something pretty simple and I found a picture of a sun and cloud. I will have them color the sun yellow and glue cotton balls on the cloud. I also liked this idea. If I have time I will do it too.
Story Time:
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
(2 books my kids can't get enough of.)
Music and Movement:
Again, we are doing something pretty simple. Just clapping out the beat to some fun songs.
It's late and I haven't figured out my Wednesday and Thursday plan. But I will try to get them up Tuesday evening some time.
DIY Dried Orange Garland
2 weeks ago
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